Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Tuesday Night Music 12 29 09

The last Tuesday Night music of 2009? Let's walk down memory lane a bit, when one of the best punk bands ever was still on speaking terms with one another and actually functioning. At this time, the Dead Kennedys were doing 'In God We Trust Inc.' and it looks like someone had a camera on in the studio (the actual song starts up about halfway through)

Now the Dead Kennedys are three former bandmates and no Jello. DK without Jello is like Van Halen without David Lee Roth... provided David actually wrote most of the lyrics, which he didn't. So I prefer to think of DK in the days of old, when they weren't trying to sue one another or make a buck out of exploiting their old fans.

What can I say? Sometimes your "parents" let you down...

westboro baptist church child
see more Political Pictures

... and this has been a year for let downs, sadly enough.

But for now, enjoy your New Years. We'll be back next year with more shennanigans.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Tuesday Night Music 12 22 09

Merry Fuckin' Christmas, from South Park.

No, I don't agree with the views here. But it's South Park, and South Park and Christmas go together like Mike and Ike... which is a candy I really, really hate.

And here's Mr. Mackey to tell you all about how easy it is, m'kay?

Merry Christmas, Happy Yule, and Happy Holidays to all.

Blessed Yule 2009

I hope your new year is better than your old one.

I hope your needs are met, your wishes heard.

I hope your dreams are realized, or at least come closer.

... and to all, a good night.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

huffpo's best protest signs of 2009

As we prepare to close out one of the worst decades in recent history, Huffpo was kind enough to organize a slideshow of the funniest protest signs of the year.

Some of them are people making fun of the protests going on around them, and some of them are "legitimate" signs whose creators got a few things wrong (spelling, grammar, a lack of irony).

Some of them are surrealist. Some juvenile. All funny in their own way.

If you need a laugh while counting the tears, have a gander.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

About those climategate emails...

The folks at Factcheck have had a look at the whole thing. You may want to see what they have to say before jumping on one train or another.

In late November 2009, more than 1,000 e-mails between scientists at the Climate Research Unit of the U.K.’s University of East Anglia were stolen and made public by an as-yet-unnamed hacker. Climate skeptics are claiming that they show scientific misconduct that amounts to the complete fabrication of man-made global warming. We find that to be unfounded:

Count me in the camp of "skeptical of both sides, and willing to admit that both have an economic stake in their official viewpoint, but more likely to believe the climate change side of things than the climate change deniers, whom we know are in someone else's pocket, and clearly selling us a bill of goods."

h/t James Knevitt

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

This Shit Is Real 12 9 09: Exploding Gum Kills Ukranian Student

Just when you thought it was safe to play around with gum and chemicals!

A chemistry student from the northern Ukrainian city of Konotop was killed when a stick of chewing gum exploded in his mouth, Ukrainian media reported on Tuesday.

The 25-year-old student of Ukraine's Kiev Polytechnic Institute was working at a computer in his parents' house late on Saturday when the incident occurred.

"A loud pop was heard from the student's room," the ukranews.com portal said, citing an aide to the city's police chief. "When his relatives entered the room they saw that the lower part of the young man's face had been blown off."

A forensic examination established that the chewing gum was covered with an unidentified chemical substance, thought to be some type of explosive material.

Police questioning revealed that the student had a bizarre habit of chewing gum after dunking it into citric acid. On his table, police found both citric acid packets and a similar-looking unidentified substance, believed to be some kind of explosive material.


Although the local forensic department does not have the necessary equipment to identify the substance, it refused to send it to the capital, Kiev, over fears that it might explode during transportation.

A sad story to be sure, but one that may have been oddly prophesied by The Onion a little over a year ago!

Today's lesson: don't put weird chemicals in your fucking mouth.

Monday, December 07, 2009

Tuesday Night Music 12 7 09

Juno Reactor just rocks. I'm not going to blather. Just listen to them and go digging on youtube.

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Birtherdammerung (?)

Article: Is this, now, the Twilight of the Birthers? Or are we turning the corner just to find out it's the tip of the iceberg? A look at the recent cannibalism in the Birther camp, and new offshoots, shows that while there may be no meat to this sandwich, there are still plenty who want a bite.

Get the full story at Op Ed News, here.

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Tuesday Night Music 12 01 09

Look who came home in wheelchair!
VA Hospitals they don't care
We're the machine, you're just a tool
Who fell for the myth...

Rambozo the Clown - Dead Kennedys

Provided without comment. Sort of.