Tuesday Night Music 12 29 09
The last Tuesday Night music of 2009? Let's walk down memory lane a bit, when one of the best punk bands ever was still on speaking terms with one another and actually functioning. At this time, the Dead Kennedys were doing 'In God We Trust Inc.' and it looks like someone had a camera on in the studio (the actual song starts up about halfway through)
Now the Dead Kennedys are three former bandmates and no Jello. DK without Jello is like Van Halen without David Lee Roth... provided David actually wrote most of the lyrics, which he didn't. So I prefer to think of DK in the days of old, when they weren't trying to sue one another or make a buck out of exploiting their old fans.
What can I say? Sometimes your "parents" let you down...

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... and this has been a year for let downs, sadly enough.
But for now, enjoy your New Years. We'll be back next year with more shennanigans.