A "Support Our Troops" Ribbon? Really?After years of their "defending western Civilization" by badmouthing Leftists, non-White students, Islam, Muslims and occasionally Jews, we have word that Kyle Bristow, whose time as chairman of
Michigan State University's branch of Young Americans for Freedom saw it branded as a hate group by the
Southern Poverty Law Center, is
calling it quits on his blogging activities.
I have decided that I will not blog anymore after I graduate from the communist-infested hellhole of Michigan State University. I am moving on to bigger and better things, and I unfortunately will not have the time to continue blogging about the decline of Western civilization.
I plan to take the blog offline in a few days time.In the comment section on that post, he elaborates: "I'm going to be busy with law school in the very near future, so I won't be able to continue blogging." What law school he's planning on attending is, at this time, unknown.
This is a reversal from his previous statement that he was going to continue blogging, but that the Spectator was going to be
his blog,
and no longer connected with MSU YAF. There is no clear explanation as to why he went from one position to the other, though I suspect he may be trying to flush his "youthful indiscretions" down the memory hole as he embarks on the next stage of his life.
He should know that's not possible, courtesy of sites that maintain caches of internet sites, and those who have faithfully cataloged his antics (such as the SPLC and YAF-Watch). But I guess you can't blame the guy for trying.
Also left unresolved at this time is the
threatened lawsuit against the SPLC for branding them as a hate group. Since many of Bristow's statements and actions since that time have pretty much confirmed what the civil rights organization was saying in the first place, they may have abandoned that course of action in the knowledge that they'd probably lose.
Hopefully, with the departure of Kyle Bristow from the scene, MSU YAF will soon lose its stigma of being a hate group, and go back to being a what most other YAF chapters are: abrasive and zealous campus defenders of bedrock conservative principles, whose only real hate is reserved for leftists (and, to some extent, homosexuals). I wish MSU YAF's officers good luck in this endeavor, as they will have to do some major pushing to get out from under the heavy rock Mr. Bristow dragged on top of them during, and after, his tenure as chairman.
As for Mr. Bristow, himself, I hope he discovers that it's possible to be a paleoconservative without adopting the hateful baggage that is sometimes associated with that political stance, and comes out of law school a force for positive change, or at least an upholder of equal protection of the law for all citizens, regardless of their race, religion, or sexual orientation.
But... I'm not holding my breath on that one.
EDIT: 11/25/08: as of this evening, the Spartan Spectator is readable by invited members only. I guess that's all, folks!