A War on Christmas... really?
Of course, we should be aware they are biased in this matter. But check this out:
Among the incidents debunked by Americans United is a tale frequently told by Fox News Channel commentator John Gibson. In Gibson’s new book, The War on Christmas: How the Liberal Plot to Ban the Sacred Christian Holiday Is Worse Than You Thought, he asserts that the public schools in Plano, Texas, have banned students from wearing green and red clothes. The story has been reported uncritically in other media outlets and hyped by Bill O’Reilly but it is apparently untrue.
A spokeswoman for the Plano schools told Americans United that the district has no such policy and expressed frustration that the story continues to circulate. The Plano schools have posted an item on its website denying the rumor. A similar claim about public schools in Saginaw Township, Mich., is also false.
Another story that has surfaced in the media centers on a public school in Wisconsin that allegedly banned songs having a religious “motive or theme” from this year’s holiday program. Officials at the Glendale-River Hills School District have posted a notice on the district website debunking the claim. It points out that songs used this year include “Angels We Have Heard on High” and “I Saw Three Ships.”
Sounds like the War on Christmas is, much like the War on Iraq, being fought based on faulty intelligence.