Well... that's charming

Courtesy of Frontpage Magazine, we have a kill order.
But then, where was this quote when so many Republicans were damaging our morale in Kosovo?
It is to laugh.
Because you're hiding in a mask - Taking fun seriously - No don't blow this year's chance - Tomorrow your mold goes back on
Then Hatch, Newty, and the rest of the Clinton haters should be room temperature for calling for our withdrawl from Kosovo.
Hint: If you're going to continue be stupid and post this crap...You need to due the research first. Stupid.
"we have a kill order"
Why do I suspect you'll be getting a visit from the FBI and/or SS.
Yepp, execute the dissidents, thats the only way US is going to get moving again!
Oh and yea... Sig Heil
Not that it's your fault, you're just report the shit these morons are posting.
no no no.. the POINT here is that Abe was waging a civil war. I have become more and more convinced that the powers running the US will not let go of power through traditional means and here it is plain to see; The ordinary US citicen might see this as political struggle, but among the right-facisto movement it is akin to a civil war.
Oh and again...Sig Heil!
My bumper sticker in my southern bible belt town....
Complicit in Treason?
Simply Clueless?
Probably both.
Dr. Richard Welser
"Why do I suspect you'll be getting a visit from the FBI and/or SS."
Just to state clearly for the record - in case there's any confusion - I am not in any way, shape or form advocating the stupid crap they seem to be suggesting with this gif.
I'm just pointing it out so it can be called for the crap that it is, and wondering if all those folks who badmouthed our actions in kosovo should have been exiled or hung, too.
Someone over at Frontpage is smoking some strange poop, and if anyone should be getting a visit from the SS and FBI, it's them.
If the US is "at war" where was the declaration? Repeat after me: Iraq is a Freedom Fight.
This is pretty mild stuff as far as Horowitz goes. You should try a sampling of the articles he posts sometime - frighteningly delusional stuff. And BE SURE not to miss the public forums for a hard cold look in the true base of the Republican party. It'll scare your socks off.
Anonymous (8:09 AM) said:
"Hint: If you're going to continue be stupid and post this crap...You need to due the research first. Stupid."
Hint: If you're going to continue (to) be stupid and post this crap, you need to (do) the proofreading first. Doofus.
Hel-lo? Is the GOP on autopilot? Bush said that it was OK to criticize the war.
Or is George really controlling this party? Have the neocons given up on him already?
>But then, where was this quote when so many Republicans were damaging our morale in Kosovo?
You mean, all five days of it? The war where we really were greeted as liberators?
One can only guess at what they would have impeached Clinton over if 6 soliders had gotten killed in that war, let alone 2000. And as we will recall, the US KIA count was a big, fat zero.
It's suprising to me that right wings nuts would use a quote from Abraham Lincoln. They must've just gotten over the end of slavery and are slowly evolving after all. There's hope for them yet.
My ancestors came from Germany to fight mad King Geo. and his conservative backers. I only regret that they didn't get enough of the sewer snipes
"This is pretty mild stuff as far as Horowitz goes. You should try a sampling of the articles he posts sometime - frighteningly delusional stuff. And BE SURE not to miss the public forums for a hard cold look in the true base of the Republican party. It'll scare your socks off."
Oh, believe me... I KNOW.
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